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5S & Lean

Visualize, Organize and Streamline

Implement Lean principles and improve efficiency with our visual management tools. Use visual boards, signs, and more to streamline processes and enhance workplace safety. Create a more organized and productive environment today.

  • Identify unnecessary items in your workplace
  • Communicate standards
  • Create a place for everything
  • 100% customizable at no extra charge

Customize 5s Products Don’t see a 5S Lean product that fits your needs? Let us design a custom solution for you!

Think Quality - Goal is Customer Satisfaction

Think Quality: Our Goal is Customer Satisfaction


Sign promoting quality awareness: "Think Quality - The next inspector is our customer, reminding us of our responsibility."

Think Quality: Remember The Next Inspector Is Our Customer


Think Lean: Small Changes Add Up

Think Lean: Small Changes Add Up


5S-Lean-Workplace- Vertical

5S Lean Workplace Vertical

MSRP:  $61.08

Think Quality - Do It Right The First time

Think Quality: Do It Right The First time


Think Lean -Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Think Lean: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Think Lean: How Can Scrap Be Reduced?

Think Lean: How Can Scrap Be Reduced?


Think Lean: We Support a Lean Work Environment

Think Lean: We Support a Lean Work Environment


Think Lean: More Value - Less Work

Think Lean: More Value – Less Work


Think Lean: Make a Suggestion, How Can We Improve Productivity

Think Lean: Make a Suggestion, How Can We Improve Productivity


Think Lean: Solve Problems at the Source?

Think Lean: Solve Problems at the Source?


Think Lean: How Can Defects Be Reduced?

Think Lean: How Can Defects Be Reduced?


Think Lean: Does This Process Add Value?

Think Lean: Does This Process Add Value?


Think Lean - Change Should be the Standard, ANSI

ANSI Think Lean: Change Should be the Standard


Think Lean: Change Should be the Standard

Think Lean: Change Should be the Standard


Plan Do Check Act Lean Sign

PDCA Lean Sign

MSRP:  $33.72

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