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Get Your Signs Noticed!

4 Simple Tips To Get Your Signs Noticed & Direct Behavior

OSHA Sign Size vs. Sign Distance Guideline

Apply 4 Simple Tips to Make Your Signs More Effective

Whether a sign provides safety procedures, controls inventory and work-flow, organizes tools, or documents standard work, applying four simple tips when creating your signs and visual controls will increase awareness so messages and instructions become universally recognized in the workplace.

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    Eliminate Hand Drawn Signage

    Critical instructions and safety procedures that look temporary and lack validity aren't taken seriously. Getting rid of Post-it notes and hand-written signs is top priority! Don't loose credibility with your target audience. If the message is important, make the effort to make it a legitimate visual control.

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    Utilize Symbols and Color Codes

    Creating standards for signs and visuals is critical. Using bold colors and color-coding to differentiate and instruct helps organize and emphasize information. Adding photos, labels, graphics, and other documents also makes work instructions more effective. Setting standards ultimately ensures that what is supposed to happen, will happen.

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    Location is Everything

    Increase the effectiveness of work instructions and emphasize critical actions required by strategically placing signs and visual controls at the point of use. If instructions are not posted where the work happens, how can anyone expect that the standards will be met? Maximize effectiveness by putting the message in the right place, at the right time, to be view by the right people.

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    Simple is More

    Signs should be kept simple and should reinforce the desired outcome in as few words as possible. Text should be proportionate with the sign and not squeezed to fit. Block text such as Arial or Helvetica is recommended.

    Adding creative displays to your signs will keep your messages from “fading into the woodwork.” Don’t be afraid to step out of the normal jargon when communicating instructions and reminders. Be simple, yet creative with your visual controls.

    Signs are used everywhere in our lives. The key to action is to make important messages and procedures visual, compact, concise and highly recognizable.

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