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Visual Safety Assessment

Guiding You To A Safer Working Environment

Visual Safety Assessment

The Visual Safety Assessment can be used to assess your facility to determine the needs for visual communications in your facility for a safe and productive workplace. Or a Visual Workplace visual communications experts can do an assessment in your facility at no extra cost.  We will schedule a time to come to your workplace to navigate through your facility from the main entrance to the shipping docks and everywhere in between to evaluate the current state and identify missing information with visual communication and signage recommendations.

We will look for process elements where data can be shared, measured, and managed. We will look for areas for continuous improvement such as brooms or cleaning products leaning against walls and areas where labels could define processes more efficiently. We will search for dangerous areas where safety and PPE signage could be improved.

Fill out the form below to download your Visual Safety Assessment Tool or let us know if you prefer to have one of our experts come to your facility to perform a visual safety assessment.

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