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Visual Management

Ken | Continuous Improvement Supervisor

The Mobile In-House Sign Shop has enabled us to standardize many daily processes in a short period of time.

Tammy |

Visual Workplace assured me someone will always be available and happy to assist me with any questions I might have.

Don | CI Manager

The templates will help save time as we convert our shop floor into a more visual workplace…

Linda | BRF Plant 5S Champion

It makes a big difference on the looks -vs- a laminated piece of paper, very professional…

Renee | ACE Pilot

The training to make signs went great; it was very helpful.

Dawn |

…there are sign templates to help you out. The Visual Workplace support team can also help.

Rob | Operations Director

Thanks for continuing to bring us new product to help our shop become more visual.

Sarah | ABS Teamleader

WOW! Talk about service! VWP is the best!

Gordon | Continuous Improvement Manager

My team really enjoyed your sign shop training and the value that it has added to our operations. I really appreciate your time and making the training fun and exciting for our operators. The support you provided will really help us in our 5S journey.

Tyco |

…the Mobile In-House Sign Shop system produced a sign at 1/3 the cost of our vendor…

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